When Is the Boomerang Candidate the Best Hire?
Many companies looking to hire have a clear idea of who (or at least what skills and attributes) they want to fill a position. As
What Perks Can You Negotiate in Your Next Job Offer
If you’re looking for a job in the technology field, you may find that your skills are in high-demand. This is especially true if you
Why Certifications Alone Won’t Land You Your Next Job
Certifications show your familiarity with software and programming tools, but certifications are not the only qualifications you need to get information technology jobs. Employers are
What Happens When You Are Contacted by a Recruiter?
Passive recruitment happens all the time in the information technology industry as companies look for professionals who are creative, innovative, and on the cutting edge
Land the Best Project Managers for Your Company
Project managers fill one of the most important roles within the information technology industry. Project managers take on the responsibility of developing plans as well
Social Media Finds Great Job Candidates
Social media has become a great way to make connections, including professional connections. Within the IT field, hiring can be competitive and you need to
Improve Your Leadership by Doing Just One Thing Better
Great leaders are essential to producing great products and to building business success. The information technology field is particularly competitive, and you need to keep
World Down Syndrome Day 2016
At Technology Partners, the genetic condition of Down syndrome is near and dear to the hearts of our leadership. March 21, 2016 is the 11th
8 Myths About Staffing Firms
You’ve heard the myths – now find out the truth! Here are the 8 most common misconceptions that we hear about finding a job with
Military Experience in IT
2014 was a monumental year in Technology Partners’ efforts to partner with and employ military personnel across the country. We participated in several military hiring