SE Episode 093: Understanding Your Mission w/ Dennis Muilenburg
No matter the position you strive for in life, understanding the mission behind what you’re doing professionally and personally remains necessary. Listen to Dennis’ story from his humble beginnings in engineering and program management to leading his colleagues of Boeing as CEO.
SE Episode 092: Prioritizing the Value of The Customer w/ Alex Melvin
We’ve all heard the phrase, “the customer is always right,” and Alex Melvin, CEO of Rural King, gives it a more meaningful definition. Learn how prioritizing giving value to the customer is the best thing you can for your business.
SE Episode 091: Maximizing Your Relationships w/ John Ruhlin
How can you stand out in business and in your personal life? Listen to encouraging and strategic words on how to maximize your relationships to shine in this world from John, Co-Founder of the Giftology Group, a gift strategy and logistics company, Co-Founder of the Ruhlin group, a gifted entrepreneur, author and keynote speaker.
SE Episode 090: Expressing Your Humanity w/ Lauren Herring
Add something tangibly beneficial to your week as International speaker and CEO of Impact Group, Lauren Herring, delivers a resounding and timely episode in the latest of the Something Extra podcast.
SE Episode 089: Filling the Void w/ Dan Lauer
The inspiration behind the nationally beloved Waterbabies, Dan Lauer, joins Lisa on this week’s episode of the Something Extra Podcast.
SE Episode 088: Challenging the Norms w/ Jayson Wells
Former professional basketball player, Author, and truly revolutionary life coach, Jayson Wells, shares wisdom from a lifetime of experience in extraordinary and unusual circumstances as well as lending his heartfelt perspective on how we can become better attuned to making a positive and genuine difference for people of color.
SE Episode 087: The Thing That Could Make or Break Your Leadership w/ Rich McClure
Becoming a boon to those around you and setting the standard for seeing the value in every single individual is just the tip of the iceberg as Rich McClure, Consultant & Retired President of UniGroup, delves into the fabric of placing people over processes.
SE Episode 086: Leadership That Lasts w/ Stephanie Winslow
Author and Founder of Blind Spot Consultants, Stephanie Winslow, offers a path to a healthy, robust lifestyle and career as she shares her stories behind her powerfully and honestly written books as well as a look into her career that breaks down walls often overlooked in American business that inspire hope and true change.
SE Episode 085: Have The Willingness to Change Your Life w/ Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra & Dr. Basima Williams
Medical doctors at PALM Health, Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra and Dr. Basima Williams, join Lisa on an eye-opening episode as they discuss key lesser-known factors to improve your health, life, and business.
SE Episode 084: Maintaining a Strong Passion w/ Rose Hanley
We have the privilege of bringing on one of the most compassionate and people-oriented leaders on the show as Rosemary Hanley shares heartwarming and impactful details of her experience as CEO and Co-Founder of The Little Bit Foundation.