SE Episode 103: Education as The Path to Freedom w/ Mary Elizabeth Grimes
You know what they say, “Once a Marian girl, always a Marian girl.” It was a pleasure to have Mary Elizabeth Grimes, President of Marian Middle School, as the guest of our 103 episode. Take a few moments to hear her share her story, give wisdom on becoming the things we believe and education as the path to freedom.
SE Episode 102: The Beauty of Being Informed w/ Ian Watkins
In this Something Extra episode, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at Mallinckrodt, Ian Watkins, shares valuable insight on the beauty of being informed, educated and bold enough to have discussions with people that really do know when you don’t.
SE Episode 101: Best of 100 w/ Something Extra
100 episodes in and we are just getting started with Something Extra! Join us on our nostalgic walk down memory lane with a compilation of clips from your top-rated episodes from the first one hundred.
SE Episode 100: Intangibles That Can’t Be Taught w/ Albert Pujols and Todd Perry
Since 2018, we have had the incredible privilege of hearing outstanding leaders share their stories and something extras with us. Episode 100 is no exception. Take a few moments to listen to Albert Pujols and Todd Perry give wisdom on leading with passion and generosity.
SE Episode 099: Learning to Walk in Their Shoes w/ Ron Green
From growing up as a scout to serving as a commissioned professional scouter for nearly 40 years, Ron Green has devoted his time to the movement that impacted life life so greatly. You will walk away from Something Extra’s 99th episode with wisdom on leading with empathy and believing in those around you.
SE Episode 098: Finding Your Leadership Turbo Button w/ Art McCoy
In the words of Art McCoy, “The paveway has already been laid and the highway is set, so now you just have to get on that highway.” Take a few minutes to hear the wisdom from CEO and Superintendent, Art McCoy, speak on how to best encourage and empower those you are in leadership over. This is an episode that you will greatly benefit from, regardless of your profession.
SE Episode 097: Leading From a Place of Vulnerability w/ Tim Wentworth
Education, community, and philanthropy are just a glimpse into the many passions Tim Wentworth is fueled by. After listening to his time on The Something Extra podcast, you will walk away with greater insight on how to actively lead from a place of vulnerability and the many fruits that will accompany this priceless lesson.
SE Episode 096: Establishing Reciprocity in Your Workplace w/ Elise Mitchell
This 96th episode of Something Extra will leave you with an increase in your wealth of knowledge from the beauty of asking thought provoking questions to establishing reciprocity in your workplace and having a journey mindset as a leader.
SE Episode 095: The Beauty of Question Asking w/ Paris Forest
Do you know where you want to go, but are hesitant to take the next step because it seems too challenging? Take a moment to receive the wisdom of Paris Forest from the beauty of question-asking and vulnerability to how to intentionally and effectively lead diverse groups in the workplace.
SE Episode 094: Letting Go of The Need for Control w/ John O’Leary
We’ve all had those experiences where we would rather run away than face our fears head on. Take a moment to hear John’s story of letting go of the need for control and you will walk away with practical steps on how to be a source of hope for those around you.