Something Extra with Lisa Nichols

Join our CEO Lisa Nichols as she interviews leaders from around the world to share their stories and show us what it takes to influence, encourage, and be a true leader in our daily lives.

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Episode 193: Honing in on Foundations for Growth w/ Andrea Butcher

If you are taking initiative to listen to this podcast, you are already a leader in one capacity or another. The question is: How do you grow? Andrea Butcher, CEO of HRD, a Leadership Development Company, shares four things on which she will not compromise as she coaches teams and leaders. With 20+ years of experience, she has identified struggles good employees must overcome to be a good manager. As you listen, recognize characteristics essential not only for leadership success, but also for any season of growth in your own life.

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Episode 192: How to Level Up as a Leader w/ Chad Everett

Can you think of an activity that allows you to simultaneously improve your overall focus, critical thinking, and fine motor skills? We have an answer for you: Gaming. Chad Everett, CEO and President of Infinite Kingdom, discusses the benefits of video games and how they can be leveraged for good. In his role, Chad seeks to bring to life stories that are not only interesting, but inspirational to consumers. Listen to this episode, and you will have fun even before gameplay begins!

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Episode 191: Keeping Perspective in Turbulent Times w/ James Barnett

While many of us know the adage “above the clouds the sky is always blue,” it can be difficult to keep this perspective in challenging circumstances. James Barnett, President at DaySpring, shares how life lessons learned over decades of visiting America’s National Parks keeps him grounded in business and life. In this episode, you will hear an example of how to be still and ask the right questions even as you manage the challenges of working in a fast-paced and competitive environment.

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Episode 190: Triumphing Through the Unexpected w/ Dave Sanderson

Most of us imagine the rapid descent of a free-falling plane as a moment that would change everything. However, as a survivor of the crash into the Hudson River, Dave Sanderson tells us it was actually the journey swimming back to shore that transformed him. Now a Speaker, Author, Personal Leadership Expert, and Philanthropist, Dave uses this story and others to demonstrate how we can grow and flourish when facing a crisis. Do not miss this wisdom-rich episode!

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Episode 189: How to Be a Leader Who Thrives w/ Carey Nieuwhof

Amidst the divisiveness and emotions of our culture, how can a leader maintain a non-anxious presence? Carey Nieuwhof, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Founder and CEO of Carey Nieuwhof Communications, discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic became both a disruptor and an accelerator in his work supporting ministry and business leaders. In this episode, Carey provides a glimpse into the challenges we face in our busy culture and how a sustainable rhythm is the best cure.

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Episode 188: Success Only Precedes Work in the Dictionary w/ Brett Gilliland

How do you create a definition of success that is both personal to you and leaves a legacy for others? Brett Gilliland, Founder & CEO at Visionary Wealth Advisors & Host of the Circuit of Success, discusses how he has learned to take initiative and work hard to impact others. Starting with the decision to leave the firm where he was a successful advisor, Brett began his own fiduciary practice to “help people achieve a future greater than their past.” Learn how you can make the most of each day and align your time with your passions!

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Episode 187: Cultivating Talent through Investment w/ Manisha Sheode

Leadership is a privilege that positions you to bring out the best in your team and help them to reach their potential. Manisha Sheode, Executive Director of Product Development at RGA, would tell you she tirelessly advocates for the people and products in which she believes. In this episode, Manisha shares her passion for talent development as a female in technology, mentor to rising leaders, and community member in the startup ecosystem. Learn how to lead through service and help others share their “something extra” with the world.

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Episode 186: The Sky is the Limit When You Know Your “Why” w/ Juanita Ingram

Giving yourself permission to dream bigger than one job is of equal importance to pursuing your dream job. Juanita Ingram, CEO of Purpose Production Inc., has found that her roles as an attorney, author, and actress all serve her to fulfill her life’s purpose of empowering women. Further, hard work and self-efficacy have proved integral to each of her endeavors. Join us as Juanita shares words of inspiration that drive her forward.

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Episode 185: Finding Your Life and Company Mission w/ Allen Morris

During this season of the Great Resignation, our newsfeed is filled with stories of people searching for meaningful work. Perhaps the best source of insight can be found from someone who didn’t leave at a time of burnout but paused to find joy and purpose in where he was. Allen Morris, Author and Chairman/CEO of the Allen Morris Company, shares how examining the truths of his life prevented the unhealthy idolization of achievement.

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Episode 184: Empowering Others Through Alliance Feedback w/ Dr. Tim Irwin

While they say actions speak louder than words, it is often our speech that reflects the values and integrity inside of us. Join Dr. Tim Irwin, author, speaker, and leading authority on Leadership Development and Organizational Effectiveness, as he discusses the effect of our conversations on people’s belief systems. Through a strategy called “Alliance Feedback,” leaders can use affirmation to circumvent defensiveness during difficult conversations. When we assume positive intent and touch the core of one’s aspirations, we empower our employees and families to flourish.

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