Maximizing the Off-Season for the Greater Good

By Reagan Imergoot, Social Media Manager

Together, we are improving our world.

Here at Technology Partners, we whole-heartedly believe this to be true. While at first glance this may appear as a tagline at best, we believe that it’s the very foundation for the change we desire to achieve.  

If being better together as a collective body is the goal, then ultimately, the gathering stands as the catalyst for the future into which we desire to be propelled. And if we want our body to function at its peak performance, then all parts must function at the same level. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 

Considering the MLB coming back to life this time of year, it is safe to say that the off-season is just as, if not more, important than the regular season. While the off-season looks radically different throughout the baseball ecosystem, one thing remains consistent across the board: this “time off” is drenched in intentionality. Whether you are a Major League Baseball player, C-suite executive, or have just begun your professional career, it stands true that we must be excellent in what we do 

Albert and Todd Perry recently joined Lisa Nichols in the 100th episode of the Something Extra podcast. In their time together, Albert shares how important passion is in becoming the best version of yourself and how this drives not only how you begin, but also how you finish. In this episode, Todd Perry shares the something extra he believes every leader needs“Passion is one of those intangibles that can’t be taught. You either have it or you do not. I would suggest that everyone listening find something you are passionate about, do it, and do it well. Take the talents that God has given you and expand on those.” How you choose to spend your off-season will directly impact how you start and how you finish. If we set out to improve this world together, then your off-season is not just for you, it’s for your team and ultimately, the betterment of the world.  

We have made it our mission at Technology Partners to create opportunities, for our staffclients, and consultants, that will cultivate growthencourage preparation, and ignite passion 

If you’ve found yourself in a personal or professional “off-season,” consider how you can best utilize this time. We’ll be here when you need a career or technology partner. 


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