When you are hiring for your organization, it can be tough to find a candidate who has the whole package. In fact, there may come a time when you need to decide between hiring someone who has the IT skills you are looking for or hiring someone who is a great cultural fit.
If you find yourself in this situation your best bet is to hire someone who will do well on your team because they share similar values and have the character traits you’re looking for. Here’s why you need to hire the candidate who’s the best cultural fit:
Culture can’t be trained:
Candidates who are lacking in some specific hard skills can learn those skills through coursework or classes and certification programs. But, someone who doesn’t have the personality to fit in with your team isn’t going to be able to change who they are to better mesh with the rest of your organization.
Teams that work well together are key to success:
When staff members are able to collaborate effectively and, a lot can get done. Unfortunately, it only takes one bad apple on the entire team to spoil the bunch. A negative team member can kill the motivation for everyone around them, whereas someone positive and creative can help the team to reach new heights.
Team members who are happy where they work will be less likely to leave:
No matter the skill level your company onboards, you’ll need to provide at least some training. Unfortunately, the expenses you put into bringing an employee up to speed are wasted if the employee leaves quickly. An employee who is a good fit for your organization is much less likely to leave, so the investment you make in training will pay off.
Work With an IT Recruiter in St. Louis, MO
Technology Partners can help your organization find workers who have both the hard skills and soft skills you are looking for, so you can find a skilled candidate who is a great fit for your company culture. To learn more about how our staffing service can help you fill open positions with the right worker, give us a call today.