When you’ve left a job, you’re probably looking ahead towards how to be successful at your new career. But, while taking a forward-thinking approach is important to job success, you don’t want to lose contact with the people who helped you get where you are today. In particular, you want to ensure you remain in contact with your old boss.
There are several reasons why staying in touch with previous bosses can be very important. Here are a few of those reasons:
Your boss can serve as a reference:
If you are looking for new work, chances are good you’ll need a reference. If you’ve remained in contact with an old boss, they will be more likely to vouch for your abilities.
Your boss can help you make industry connections:
Your boss has connections at the company you used to work for and staying in touch could allow you to leave the door open to returning to that company if a job opens that’s right for you. Your boss likely also knows other people in the industry and might be willing to make introductions or recommendations so your own professional network can grow and you can get more career opportunities.
Your boss can provide career advice:
If your boss was a mentor while you were at your job, there’s no reason that relationship has to end when you’ve moved to a new position, as long as you’ve remained on good terms. If you catch up with your boss on occasion and discuss your careers, you can benefit from your boss’ expertise and your boss may be willing to weigh in on career issues.
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If you are ready to move on to a new position, you also need to make sure you get the right help from staffing professionals who can assist you in landing the job of your dreams. Give us a call today to find out more about what our staffing service can do for you.