Working remotely can be great since you don’t have to waste time commuting and you may have a lot more flexibility regarding how you structure your days. At the same time, when you work remotely, you also have a lot less oversight and a lot less interaction with your boss and co-workers. This means it largely falls on your shoulders to stay motivated and maximize your productivity.
To ensure you are being as productive as you can be as a remote worker, consider following a few key tips to boost your productivity:
Have a set space where you do your work:
Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you don’t need to take steps to achieve work/life balance. If you just work while hanging out on your sofa or in your bed, it can be difficult or impossible to get into the mindset you need to be fully productive and focused on your job. It can also be hard to shut off at the end of the day when your work is done if there’s no separation between your job and home. To make sure you are productive and focused on your job during business hours, create a designated workspace for yourself.
Take breaks just as if you worked on-site:
It’s far too easy to get burned out if you work without any breaks. Most productivity experts agree you can only focus for a limited time before your mind shuts off and you can’t work effectively anymore. To avoid burnout and stay productive, consider working for around an hour; then taking a brief break to recharge and refresh.
Get dressed – don’t work in your pajamas:
Working in your pajamas may seem like one of the big perks of being able to work from home, but when you don’t get yourself dressed in the morning, it’s hard to establish a routine and even more difficult to get in the professional mindset. Make it a point to get up, get dressed and go to your home office so you can establish a work routine designed to enhance productivity.
Partner with an Information Technology Solution in St. Louis
If working remotely is something you are interested in doing, Technology Partners can help you explore opportunities with companies hiring remote workers. To find out more about how our recruiters can help you find a job you are a great fit for, give us a call today!