How Properly Measuring Your App Metrics Can Have Them Running at Optimal Speed

You want your mobile app to be successful, but how do you define success? There are a few key app metrics you need to measure to ensure your app is providing the desired user experience and getting your business the level of user engagement and retention you are looking for.

Some of the key metrics that matter when measuring your app’s performance include:

What is the average number of daily and monthly users?

You want to know how many people are regularly interacting with your app. This lets you know your reach and allows you to ensure you have the bandwidth to provide a seamless, optimum user experience.

How long an average user engages with your app?

Monitor the time of user engagement from start to finish during each session and how much users interact with your app over time. The appropriate length of time for engagement will depend upon the purpose of the app, but you want to ensure users aren’t clicking away too early. If they are, or if there is a big drop in the time a user engages with your app over time, find out if there’s something wrong with the app performance that is functioning as a deterrent.

How many users download your app from particular sources?

This helps you determine which channels allow you to most effectively expand your reach. Regularly checking on this can help to make sure you are staying on target and determine if it’s time to make adjustments.

The path users take through your app. How do users make use of the app? What screens and functions do they move between? Where are they when they exit the app? You can find out how most users move through the features you provide to make the favored paths easier to navigate. This knowledge will help to inform how well the user experience is going

What percentage of app users are repeat users?

You want to know if people use your app and never come back. If this happens often, there may be problems with the experience users are having that causes them to turn away from what you are offering. On the flip side, if you have repeat visitors, then watching their behavior with your app can help determine what is working well in drawing them to interact with your app.


Technology Partners will help you analyze the appropriate app metrics and assist you in ensuring you have created an app that functions optimally and provides a top user experience. Contact us today to find out how we can help you!


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