When you’re planning on creating an application for mobile or web, you need the right technology stack. While this term might be unfamiliar to you, your tech stack is simply the programming languages and software products you use in application development. Choosing the right combination of languages and software is essential to building a valuable app to run on web or mobile, and Technology Partners can help you determine which technology stack will fit your needs.
To get you started, it’s important to understand the basics of what a technology stack is, how you choose a tech stack and how your tech stack gets built. Here’s what you need to know:
What Is A Tech Stack?
A technology stack, often referred to as a tech stack, is the combination of programming languages and software tools utilized in the development of applications for web or mobile platforms. It comprises both the front-end and back-end components that enable the functionality and user interface of an application.
Applications have a front-end, which is the side that users see, and a back-end, which makes the application work. Front-end tech stack elements include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. These languages are responsible for creating the visual interface that users interact with.
Back-end tech stack elements encompass a server, operating system, database, and programming language. One commonly used back-end stack is the LAMP stack, consisting of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The back-end handles data storage, retrieval, and processing, making it possible for developers to implement essential features such as user authentication.
Your tech stack is the combination of software and programs that build the features that make the app run and provide a pleasing interface for clients. You’ll have a back-end tech stack comprised of things like a server, operating system, database and programming language. A common back end tech stack is called the LAMP stack, which is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. You’ll also have a front-end tech stack made up of languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, which control what users see.
The synergy between the front-end and back-end tech stacks ensures that applications run smoothly and efficiently, catering to both mobile and web users. Although end-users typically engage with the front-end, the back-end stack is crucial for data management and overall functionality.
How a tech stack helps you create apps.
Both the front and back-end tech stacks allow your apps to operate efficiently for mobile or web. While users don’t engage with the back-end tech stack, the back-end stack passes all information to the front-end stack that makes apps operational. For example, the back-end tech stack makes it possible for developers to quickly create common web application features such as authenticating users. The front-end stack, on the other hand, allows you to create an efficient interface for users to interact with.
How a tech stack benefits your business.
A tech stack benefits your business by allowing streamlined app creation and operation. More than 60 percent of internet traffic is now generated on mobile devices, and as many as a quarter of all Americans only use mobile to access internet information. You need to be able to reach audiences with an efficient app that provides a pleasant user experience and a tech stack makes that possible.
Technology Partners is here to help you create a technology stack that will benefit your business by making web and mobile app development effective and easy. To find out more about how we can help,
contact us today.Is