Why a Video Department is Important for Your Business

Producing great videos is a specialized skill that requires knowledge of script writing, the production process, video production and editing, and video distribution. The skills involved in creating original video are not skills general marketing professionals or content producers have – you need specialists who understand the unique medium that is video.

Because of the importance of having video experts producing multimedia content, many companies are opting to outsource their video production. Having a video department makes a lot of sense because:

Video is increasingly popular for content marketing:

More than half of all internet users watch videos online every day, and video consumption accounts for around ¾ of all online traffic. There are more platforms than ever before for sharing video, and smart content marketers are embracing this new focus on watching rather than reading. If you want to reach the widest possible audience and make connections that can help your company, making videos is the way to do it.

Video can be used for the regular branding of your business:

Videos can allow potential customers to get to know your company in a way that few other types of content can. High-quality videos can get your message across and allow you to show viewers exactly who you are. You can share videos across a wide array of social networks and other sites to develop brand recognition and you can ensure that your videos show off your core competencies and company culture so everyone will know what your brand stands for.

Professionals in the field can provide input on your video strategy:

While producing videos is a great way to make connections and grow brand recognition, this strategy is only effective if you have a comprehensive plan for what your videos will convey and how you’ll get audiences to watch. Professionals can help you to craft the type of comprehensive media strategy you need so your video marketing is a success.


While there are substantial advantages to hiring your own in-house video production team, not every company can afford to hire video professionals and not every company wants to manage this type of department. If you aren’t going to build your own team, you should outsource your video production to a company that can make it appear as if your videos are produced internally. A major benefit to outsourcing with an extended video department is that most businesses do not have a need for a full-time multi-person staff. An outsourced video department can thusly fill in support as needed instead but remain cost and time effective. The significant weight of having content that is produced internally stems from a partner that truly understands the messaging and company culture evoked by that client’s company.

Work With a Leader in Video Development

Technology Partners can help. We can be the team that takes your ideas and creates amazing videos that are a boon to your business. To find out more about how we can help you, give us a call at 877-636-1331 or contact us online today.

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