Outsourced vs. In-House: Which IT Solution Is Right for You

Every company needs information technology help in this day and age. The only question is, will you get this help from an in-house IT person or is your company better off to outsource. You need to think carefully about the pros and cons of each different IT solution so you can make the right choice for the success of your business enterprise. On the surface, there is no right answer, so evaluating the needs and demands of your company and team members should lead you to the best decision.

As you consider whether to outsource or whether to keep your IT in-house, here are a few key considerations you need to take into account:

Can you find a quality IT company to outsource to?

Technology Partners offers help desk services and systems support services to companies who outsource projects that require IT expertise. Finding a quality company to outsource can give your company peace of mind knowing that no IT issues will ever fall by the wayside. If you can’t find a good and reliable company to outsource to that can provide the services you need, you may have to hire your own in-house experts. The last thing your company wants is when any matter arises – routine or urgent – and you don’t know the quality or speed of response that you will receive. Taking your IT to an outsourced company is supposed to mean you don’t have to manage those people, so that’s the last thing you want to be overseeing.

Can your IT support handle all of your issues?

If you hire in-house IT support, you may end up needing to bring in outsiders anyway if issues arise that go beyond the knowledge and abilities of your in-house staff. This can complicate the process of getting help since you’ll need to bring the outside experts up to speed. It also means you’ll end up paying both in-house and outsourced IT staff. If you outsource, on the other hand, you can develop a relationship a company such as Technology Partners. You’ll be assigned to a dedicated support rep who knows your system and who can make sure you get the necessary help – regardless of how complex your IT issues.

Do you want the maximum in privacy, control and convenience?

If you want a full-time IT person available whenever you need one, and you want that IT person to work only for you, you may be better off with an in-house professional. However, if you don’t want this level of control and don’t want to be responsible for managing IT employees all the time, outsourcing can be a better solution. An analysis of your organization should help you with this decision. Who will be overseeing your IT employees? Do they have the time to manage another team? Can your company afford to bring on a full IT staff, a hybrid of on-site and outsourced, or is the right decision to outsource everything completely?

A Top IT Solution Like Technology Partners Can Help

Technology Partners can provide you with outsourced IT services as well as with comprehensive assistance in hiring great in-house candidates who will do a wonderful job providing IT help to your business. To learn more about what IT solution is the right one to meet your needs, contact us today at 877-636-1331 or contact us online.


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