Sell Yourself to Land a Web Developer Job

milwaukee-information-technologyIf you’re interested in becoming a Web developer, you’ll need to demonstrate your programming abilities and your knack for designing great websites or useful apps for the World Wide Web. Potential employers are going to want to see exactly what you can do in this results-driven field.  You’ll need to sell yourself if you want to maximize your career opportunities, and there are some great ways to do it.

To make sure you are building a strong brand and presenting yourself as a capable candidate for Web development positions, you should:

Create an easy-to-navigate online portfolio

Websites or online apps that you create can demonstrate the extent of your talents. Employers want to see tangible results, and an online portfolio can give you a great catalog of your work which potential employers can peruse. Your portfolio should be simple and easy to navigate, and should show off the full breadth of your abilities.

Build upon your experience with freelance projects

If you don’t already have a vast array of Web development experience, you’ll want to build a base of projects to show off to potential employers.  You can get more experience through sites like Hackathon or Github or can look for other freelance opportunities to show off your full range of Web development skills.

Gather recommendations from satisfied clients

Potential employers want to know that you can program flawlessly, complete projects on time, and implement cutting-edge tools and technologies. Having past references from satisfied clients can be a great way to show a hiring manager about why you are a perfect candidate for the job.

Keep up-to-date on the latest features, designs, technologies and languages

Companies don’t want their websites or Web apps to be just another boring reiteration of the same old Web content. You’ll need to show you are on the cutting edge, and have the knowledge to produce unique and innovative web applications.

Web developer jobs can provide you with a great opportunity to use your creative skills and your programming skills to produce apps and websites which change the way people use the Internet.  You need to ensure you have the best career opportunities to make the most of your abilities.  Working with an IT staffing service can help you to find open positions with industry leaders. Give Technology Partners a call today at 877-636-1331 or contact us online to learn more about how our staffing service can connect you with companies hiring qualified Web developers today.


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